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Employee Engagement

6 Key Steps to Achieving Frontline Employee Engagement That Lasts

  • Omer Usanmaz
  • September 30 2024

You must be wondering how to build a stronger team for business success. We shall come to that in a bit.

But first, who are these frontline employees? Well, these deskless workers are the ones that face the customers and ensure that daily business operations run as they should. However, these workers are still human. They get tired of doing the same thing on a daily basis. So, how do you ensure they are properly fueled? The answer is quite simple: Employee engagement.

Each employee deserves a pat on the back (recognition) for a job well done. We can also need a boost (growth opportunities) when they feel low. This is what happens with employee engagement.

In this piece, we’ll explore:

  • Easy ways to engage frontline staff
  • Why it matters to keeping great workers
  • How mentorship for frontline can make a big difference.

How do you create a more motivated and engaged workforce? Let's have a look!

What is Frontline Employee Engagement?

Frontline employee engagement is when you (the business leader/manager) decide to tap into building connections with desk-based workers and the remainder of the company.

To engage your frontline employees, you need to create a culture of community and open lines of communication. That's not all; you should be willing or ready to make use of the digital space.

Businesses always aim for two things: happy customers and profits. So, if you keep your employees happy, you are definitely going to kill two birds with one stone.

Frontline workers frequently handle some of the most urgent and challenging roles in today’s world. Yet, according to a study by ContactMonkey, many employers still overlook the importance of engaging these essential employees.

Make them feel seen, valued and part of the organizational culture. You will not tire to see your business thrive!

Why Employee Engagement Matters

Your frontline workforce is the first line of contact between your brand and customers. They represent what your company is all about. This is why keeping them engaged yields great results for your company.

However, when companies don’t focus on this, employee disengagement can cost up to 34% of their yearly salary. Focusing on the employee experience is essential for better customer service and success.

Below are some of the perks of investing in employee engagement;

  • Enhanced customer service
  • Less absenteeism (workers will want to show up to work more often)
  • Higher productivity as employees will be more motivated
  • Increased employee retention and lower loss of valuable team members.
  • Enhanced employee satisfaction and stronger support for the brand.
  • Increased business profits

What are the best ways to increase engagement? Adopting a mentoring software can make it easier to motivate and support the frontline workforce. The software achieves this by making communication easy and giving them all the resources they need right at hand.

If your business hasn't yet evolved to using digital tools, the time is now. Aim to please your employees and this will lead to improved customer satisfaction.

How to Build a Positive Work Environment

Maintaining a positive business environment should be another way through which frontline workers can be made to stay happy and more productive. This is true because when people like where they go to work, they will always give their best.

But how does one ensure their workplace is one frontline employees look forward to working on? Self-compassion is a good starting point. Make them feel seen, valued, appreciated, and sheltered.

A primary concern for deskless workers is disconnection at the workplace. However, the research on the key employees engagement statistics by McKinsey reveals that 80% of frontline teams claim that they infrequently are provided opportunities to interact with others. This means that communication should be given more emphasis within business teams or between different teams.

Simple things like saying "Great job!" can make a huge difference in the overall frontline employee experience.

Mentorship: A Path to Personal and Professional Growth

Mentorship programs! An effective way to keep your entire workforce focused and motivated. Sometimes, even employees need a mentor to nudge them when they feel stuck or just need a guide.

Also, the idea of practicing mentorship is not only career-oriented but it is also oriented toward improving the employee's quality of life. Mentorship helps the employees learn better communication techniques, fosters interpersonal relations, and enhances the employees' organizational commitment.

Mentorship is how companies gesture to their employees and state they are being invested for the future, so it is a good deal for everyone!

Employee Retention: Keeping Your Best Talent

So, why should you care about keeping your best frontline employees? It’s simple: engaged employees stick around longer. When your team feels appreciated and valued, they’re less likely to leave for another job. High turnover can cost a lot of money, as you’ll have to spend time and resources finding and training new staff.

It’s not surprising that 87% of HR experts see employee retention as one of their top priorities. By focusing on engagement and encouraging regular employee feedback, you can keep your best workers happy and loyal.

Great employees also give their best towards service provision when they are engaged at work. They output detail more, offer better customer relations, and foster a positive company culture. Higher engagement levels result in happier employees and therefore, happy customers who get to experience the best. This can help to bring more business and consequently success to the company in question.

One way to achieve this is to offer them ample growth opportunities. When employees see chances for career advancement opportunities, they’re more likely to stick with your company. Providing training, mentorship, and clear career goals can make your employees feel like they’re part of something bigger.

Remember that by improving the experience of your frontline staff and making them feel valued, you are not only increasing employee retention but are creating a positive force for greater organizational productivity.

The Role of Leadership in Engagement

Great leadership makes a big difference in how engaged frontline staff feel. Committed leaders are like the captains of a ship; they set the direction and make sure everyone’s on board. When frontline leaders are involved and genuinely care about their team, it shows. Employees can tell when their frontline managers are supportive, pay attention to their concerns, and recognize their achievements.

Frontline leaders also keep interactions open through effective leadership communications. They don’t just give orders and walk away; they check in regularly, offer help when needed, and keep everyone in the loop. Workers who experience this style of leadership feel important and respected. When employees sense that their senior leaders genuinely care about them, they are more likely to be engaged and excited about their work.

Effective leaders also help frontline workers feel a sense of purpose by linking their job role to the bigger picture. They show how each person's tasks contribute to business success, making work more meaningful and motivating employees to give their best.

Great leaders do more than just manage; they inspire and direct their teams to reach their full potential. By leading with empathy, support, and clear communication, they can create a workplace where front line employees are excited and committed to their roles.

Communication: The Key to Engagement

Effective communication is like a magic key that unlocks frontline employee engagement. When client leaders use a strong communication strategy to talk clearly and openly with frontline employees, everyone knows what’s going on and what’s expected. It helps ensure no one is left guessing and everyone is on the same page.

Think about working in a place where you’re not sure if your ideas matter or if you’re meeting the right business goals. That’s frustrating! Regular check-ins, team meetings, and open-door policies in corporate communications can fix this. When employees believe they can voice their opinions and share their ideas, they’re more likely to remain engaged and motivated.

Great internal communication isn’t just about talking—it’s also about listening. When senior leaders pay attention to employee feedback, they demonstrate that those opinions are important. This makes workers feel important and part of the team. And when employees feel heard, they’re likely to put their best effort into their work.

So, if you want to keep your frontline team happy and engaged, keep communication channels open. It's an easy yet effective method to build trust and boost motivation across the team.

Engaging Employees through Training and Development

Imagine your front line employees as athletes training for a big game. Just like athletes need practice and coaching to perform their best, your employees need regular training to stay sharp and motivated. Offering ongoing training helps them learn new skills, stay updated with industry changes, and feel excited about their work.

Training doesn't have to be extra. You can opt for simple online courses or a fun team building activity. The goal: help your employees advance from their current roles and get ready for new opportunities. Want to keep them engaged and enthusiastic about their work? Stay invested in their personal and professional growth.

Consider training an investment in the future of your team. A well-trained team is also more equipped to handle challenges and come up with innovative solutions. So, keep investing in their learning and watch your team excel!

Recognition and Rewards: Celebrating Success

Employee recognition is a major booster in the workplace. It is more like the way you give a candy to a baby and their energy levels shoot to 100% real quick. The same case works for employees who are recognized and rewarded for their work. Rewards can be in form or public acknowledgment or even a simple “thank you” can go a long way.

Building a cohesive company culture where employees feel valued for their efforts motivates them to keep giving their best. Company incentives like employee-of-the-month programs, team celebrations, or individual shout-outs are powerful tools for boosting engagement and timely recognition.

Conclusion: Building a Better Workplace with Frontline Employee Engagement

If your goal is to see endless success, you need to ensure your frontline employees are engaged and content. You can start by creating a positive business environment and offer mentorship opportunities. While at it, invest in training and development. If you follow these tips to the letter, then you will have yourself a motivated and loyal team.

At Qooper, we specialize in helping companies enhance employee engagement through mentorship and training programs designed to foster growth, collaboration, and retention.

Whether you want to improve communication, boost employee morale, or reduce turnover, our solutions can help you build a stronger, more engaged team. Let’s join forces to build a cohesive company culture where frontline employees feel appreciated and empowered.

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