What Does the Qooper Export Mean?
Admins can export their participants' profile form data and platform activities directly from Qooper. This export is designed to give program admins a deeper understanding of their participants, their progress, and their matches. You can find the export file under the Matching tab in the platform.
Understanding the Export File
The export file is organized into five tabs, each focusing on specific areas:
1. Participant Activities & Preferences
This tab provides a comprehensive overview of participants’ activities and preferences. It includes:
Match & Progress Information: Summary of participants’ connections and progress.
Feedback Counts: The total number of feedback entries.
Monthly Meeting Hours: Total hours participants spent in meetings.
Connection Limits: Participants' stated preferences for connection limits.
2. Profile Detail
This tab contains detailed information about each participant's profile, such as:
Identifiers: Email and UserID (if imported).
Roles: Participant roles within the program.
Statuses: Current participation statuses.
Profile Form Submissions: Information submitted through their profile forms.
Registration and Login Dates: Date of registration and the most recent login.
3. Match Detail
This tab provides detailed match-specific data. Note that each row represents a single match, meaning a user with multiple matches will appear in multiple rows. It includes:
User Roles in the Match: Roles of each user within the match.
Match Status: Current status of the match (e.g., active, completed).
Match Dates: Date the match was created and its expiration date.
Activity Counts: Number of activities associated with the match.
4. Feedback Detail
This tab shows detailed feedback data, including:
Participant Info: Information about the participant providing the feedback.
Feedback Type: Type of feedback submitted.
Date and Rating: Date of feedback and the rating provided.
Title and Comment: Feedback title and detailed comment.
Additional Details: Other relevant information about the feedback.
5. Step Completion Detail
This tab provides information about participants’ step completion statuses, such as:
Participant Info: Identifiers and roles of the participant.
Step Status: Status of each step (e.g., incomplete or completed).
Key Notes
The export is designed to be user-friendly and helps admins easily track participant progress and engagement.
Each tab offers unique insights, allowing admins to focus on activities, profile details, specific matches, feedback, or step completions as needed.
If you have any questions about using the export file, please reach out to Qooper support for assistance!