How to Set and Complete Goals and Milestones in Qooper

Setting a Goal

  1. Navigate to the 'Mentoring' section and select the connection with whom you wish to establish your goal.
  2. Select the 'Goals' option and then choose 'Set Goal' to begin the process.

  3. Enter the title of your goal, select the due date, and assign a relevant tag.

  4. Add a detailed description of your goal, then click 'Submit' to save your settings.

Adding Milestones to Your Goal

  1. Select 'Set your first milestone' and provide the title, description, and due date for your milestone.
  2. Click the 'Submit' button to finalize your milestone entry.

Tracking Your Progress

  • To track your progress on a goal or milestone, select 'View Milestone', and then click on the 'Complete' button to mark it as done.

Viewing Goals and Milestones in the Calendar

You can view your goals and milestones for the current week by visiting the 'My Calendar' section on the Home Page.

How to Complete Goals and Milestones

There are two ways to complete milestones and goals:

Option 1: Use the Calendar

  1. Go to the Home Page and scroll down to the 'My Calendar' section.
  2. Locate the related milestone or goal in the respective week and click on it.
  3. This will take you directly to the milestone or goal where you can click 'Complete'.

Option 2: Use the Mentoring Tab

  1. Navigate to the 'Mentoring' tab and find your connection's profile where you set the goal.
  2. From their profile, go to the 'Goals' tab.
  3. Under the Goals tab, you will see a list of goals set between you and your match:
    • To complete a goal directly, click 'Complete' at the bottom-right side of the goal.
    • To complete a goal after finishing milestones, click 'View Milestone', complete all associated milestones, and then mark the goal as complete.