Mentors and mentees are able to post a discussion topic in a group.
1. Log in to the Qooper Website.
2. Navigate to the "Groups" section from the top bar menu.
3. Select the Group where you want to post a discussion and click on it.
4. On the related group's page, click the "Discussions" tab and click on the "Post Discussion" button to create a new discussion for the group.
5. Fill out the required fields for your discussion:
Title, Topic, Description and Attachment (optional)
8. Select "Post" at the bottom to save your discussion and invite the other Group members.
How to Upload Attachments While Creating Discussion Post
- While you are on the Post Discussion Creation Page, Click on "Add File" to initiate the attachment upload process.
You have two options for uploading your file:
- Drag and drop your file directly into the designated area.
- Alternatively, click on the blue file icon to browse and select your file from your computer.
How to post a comment for a discussion in a group?
Mentors and mentees are able to post a comment on a discussion topic within a group.
1. Log in to the Qooper Website.
2. Navigate to the "Groups" section from the top bar menu.
3. Find the Group where you want to comment on a discussion topic and click on it.
4. Select the "Discussions" tab and select the discussion you want to post a comment to.
5. Click on "Comment" to type down your comment.
6. Do not forget to click the "Submit" button to save the comment.
7. To upvote a comment, click on the "Upvote" button.