Run Hi-Po & Leadership Development Programs with Qooper

Bring together mentorship, training, workshops, and experiential learning on Qooper.

  • Learning Paths
  • Mentorship
  • Activities & Discussions
  • Workshops
  • Live Training

One Stop Shop for All Leadership Development Initiatives

Bring together learning paths, mentorship and peer learning, workshops, discussions and learning activities in one simple platform.

Prepare your future leaders and report progress easily.

Create mentoring relationships

Qooper's smart matching algorithm will suggest the best mentorship matches for your future leaders. View match suggestions, make edits and finalize mentorship matches.

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Two employees matched with Qooper's smart matching algorithm
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effective team management
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Create workflows to send training & learning content

Use Qooper's mentorship and leadership training library and/or bring your own content from your preferred LMS provider(s) and tell Qooper when to send them.

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Send discussion topics & learning activities on a cadence

Help your future leader employees learn from executives through effective mentorship sessions and activities. Create a culture of Learn, Practice, Re-Learn, Apply at work.

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Employees joining a training session on practicing leadership skills on Qooper's platform
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RSVP to workshops

Launch workshops integrated with your preferred calendar and video call tools. Collect attendance. Enable discussions.

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Create expertise-related groups and cohorts

Connect cohorts of employees with one another and create group mentorship opportunities. Help high-potential talent get to know their peers and interest groups.

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Groups and cohorts created under Qooper's groups feature and HiPos getting together on it
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Leverage Qooper's professional trainers

Organize live training events or delivery of your content leveraging Qooper's certified professional trainers. In person and virtual events available.

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Track progress & measure outcomes on a comprehensive dashboard

Visualize the progress of your future leaders. Report career, skills, belonging related outcomes. Track career development and retention metrics.

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Qooper's tracking and reporting
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graph on coaching and mentoring surpassing formal education, LMS, conferences etc.
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LMS alone is not enough

Send the right LMS content to the right audience and pair it up with practice opportunities with mentorship matches. Your employees don't learn from articles or videos alone. They learn from the current leaders. Enable the flow of knowledge through mentorship, supplement it with your LMS.

  • Employees love to learn from each other.
  • In fact, it is still the most effective way of acquiring new skills and career pathing.
  • However, running Hi-Po Leadership Programs can be a burden on admin.
  • Qooper will launch your programs in under 2-3 hours and maintain these programs so admin don't have to.

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Customer Testimonials & Reviews

Extraordinary matching algorithm

During Northwell's Inaugural Mentorship Program, I and my mentor were matched by what we call the world's best algorithm, because it was!

Dani L.
Northwell Health

AI matching feature is a big seller

An AI mentoring platform that is a step above the competition. Although we were going to be starting small, we knew from the outset we wanted the ability to offer mentoring opportunities to our global team.

Matt H.
Senior OD Manager

Live support is flawless

The ability to connect with a rep LIVE is amazing. I, along with the team was able to jump on several calls for clarification on aspects of Qooper we were unfamiliar with.

LaCheryl A.
Civic & Social Organization

Want to explore more?

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