Frontline Employee Mentorship & Training

Onboard new hires faster, decrease safety incidents, increase retention.

Have Qooper run your new hire - onboarding buddy programs with matching, training, guidance and tracking solutions

  • Improve Safety
  • Reduce Ramp Up Time
  • Improve Retention

Match new hires with experienced ones

Qooper’s customizable matching algorithm recommends the right mentors, mentees, and peers, fostering growth, skill-building, and engagement.

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Have Qooper deliver Mentorship & Learning Experiences Daily/Weekly/Monthly

Frontline employees experience less safety incidents, ramp up faster and are less likely to turnover. Have Qooper create mentoring relationships, give your new hires mentorship and on the job learning experiences and track analytics and ROI for you.

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Build engaging groups and communities

Create mentoring circles, and expertise-based groups with ease using Qooper’s group matching and formation tools, fostering collaboration, learning, and support within your organization.

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Offload the administrative workload of mentoring programs
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Track New Hire Progress & Report ROI

Track employee progress, certification, feedbacks, check-ins, survey results and overall ROI. Report ROI on onboarding time, safety and retention on a visual dashboard.

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Mentorship, Frontline Employee Engagement and ROI:

Mentorship actively drives employee engagement by fostering connections, skill development, and support. Engaged frontline employees are more committed, productive, and likely to stay, which directly contributes to measurable ROI through improved retention and performance.

More confident handling new challenges

Learned new skills and knowledge for job

Quality of work has improved with better employee experience

Ambition to take on more responsibility

Of employees' preferred method of learning

Customer Testimonials & User Reviews

Groups solution is amazing

Being able to reach out to my entire group with a question, without having to chose who to "bother". I have no complaints at all, really. It was very easy to navigate from day one. Qooper is a nice way to connect with groups.

Dani L.
Northwell Health

Higher engagement & retention rates

Our employees are more engaged thanks to Qooper. The participants embraced mentorship more than we thought. They really valued it as an integral part of their professional development.

OraSure Technologies

Increased engagement with Qooper

Our users are very happy with Qooper and we have seen such a significant increase in engagement since we started using the platform. We think it’s because of Qooper’s great UX and matching algorithm.

Kassie L.
Northeastern University

Want to explore more?

Discover how Qooper can help your organizational goals and people development today.


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