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Employee Mentoring

Mentorship vs Sponsorship: Why Both Are Career Essentials

  • Omer Usanmaz
  • July 4 2022

Sponsorship and mentorship are two of the most important aspects of career development. It's common for people at any time in their lives to seek sponsorship and mentorship opportunities - especially when they are looking for ways to advance further into leadership roles within organizations.

Although there may seem like some overlap between what constitutes sponsorship and mentorship relationships, it actually requires two different levels of commitment. Therefore, understanding the distinctions and goals of mentorships and sponsorships will help you choose the correct one for you at each level of your career.


Sponsorship is all about relationships. A sponsor is a more senior-level individual who helps promote and advocate for a junior employee within the company. A sponsor is someone who knows and believes in you, and is willing to use their influence to help you get ahead. They can open doors for you and give you access to opportunities that you wouldn't have otherwise. Sponsors also provide guidance and support, and can be a great resource for networking and advice.

Sponsorships can be especially useful for those who struggle to advance in an organization. You're more likely to get recognized if you have someone actively marketing you within your company, and sponsors can give you access to those key people and career advancement opportunities.  


Mentorship, on the other hand, is more about knowledge and learning. A mentor is someone who can teach you the ropes, give you advice, and help you grow as a professional. They can provide insights into your industry or field, and help you develop your skillset, professional network, give you feedback on your work, and offer advice when needed. A mentor is a role model to look up to. Mentors can teach you how to navigate your career path, develop your skills, and handle difficult situations through conversation and sharing experiences. 

Essentially, a mentor is someone who provides guidance and advice to someone who is looking to learn new skills and behaviors to develop their career.

Differences between Sponsorship and Mentorship

Mentorship is a relationship between one person who has more experience than the other, and it typically takes place over a long period of time. Sponsorship, on the other hand, is an arrangement that usually starts out as short-term with both parties benefiting from it in some way.

A mentor generally focuses on guiding you through your career path and helping you develop your skills for success, sponsors will actively promote you within the organization to aid in your career advancement. 

A mentor and a sponsor both have the same goal: to help someone succeed. However, sponsors somewhat have a more personal stake in the results. If the sponsee does not produce results this can reflect negatively on the sponsor who has been marketing them within the organization. Therefore, there is more a personal risk associated with sponsorship that in mentorship. 

Both sponsorship and mentorship are important for career growth. However, depending on your current goals, you may benefit from engaging in one relationship more than the other. For instance, you may require assistance defining your career goals, in which a mentor will be best suited. Or you may find that a sponsor can help you achieve your already defined career goals by opening doors within the organization. 

Both forms of relationships have immense value, serving different purposes and objectives. A mentor may not hold the influence that a sponsor holds, whereas a sponsor may not hold the capacity to provide more self-reflection than a mentor. 

Bottom line is, if you want to advance your career, it's essential to build relationships with both sponsors and mentors.

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