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A Perfect 30-60-90 Day Plan For Onboarding New Hires Seamlessly


An onboarding process is an effective tool that enables the creation of a stronger working relationship. The essence of the process is that it can benefit the new employees and the company. However, the method can be effective only with an efficient plan that can help in its success. A valid 30-60-90 days plan can be a secret weapon and a master tool that connects with the new hires and helps them build a strong bond with the employees and the organization. 

What Is A 30-60-90 Day Plan?

The hiring process opens the way for the next step, the onboarding process. Once the employees are selected, managers are bestowed with the responsibility to move forward with the onboarding of new hires. However, the managers need to prepare the roadmap and handle it efficiently. 

The 30-60-90 day plan is one of the essential strategies to be followed in onboarding a new employee. It is a typical pathway that would guide the employees to navigate through their first few months. The plan should comprise the goals to be achieved within the targeted time under the guidance of a specific team leader or a manager. The roadmap should be created so that the goals are achievable and that it does not make the employees alarmed about the work progress. 

The most crucial factor for creating a 30 60 90 day onboarding plan would be to make the employees comfortable without bombarding them with too much information from the start. The process is set to help them understand the company rules and its working nature. Moreover, it helps them get trained in using the tools and technologies of the company. The 30-60-90 day onboarding plan is significant for the employees' new journey into the company.

What Are The Elements That Make Up The Onboarding Plan?

Once the new hires are recruited, the managers set up an onboarding plan. It should be developed keeping in mind the new hires and their comfort. Some certain elements and goals are needed to be addressed in the first 90 days of the employee's tenure in the company. So, the managers should frame the action plan accordingly without compromising on the onboarding process's elements and goals.

Focusing on Just One Aspect at A Time

The plan should be designed in a way that focuses on a single aspect in the initial stage of the onboarding. Since it is the beginning of a new career path, the focus should be on learning the company's new things for the employees. After learning, the focus should shift towards contributing and executing the learning in work. Moreover, the new hires should get clarity on responsibilities that might be posed to them once they get settled in the job. That can help in tracking the progress and improving productivity. 

Ensuring The Necessary Priorities

Managers should ensure that the onboarding process sets specific priorities for the new employees. You can give the employees specific targets as their immediate priority in work and guide them through those tasks. Setting priorities can help them focus on one task at a time and produce good work as a result.

Setting Up Business Goals

Every onboarding plan should have specific goals set to be achieved by the employees. The set targets should be achievable such that the employees are not intimidated. The goals are to track each of the new employees' working progress. Some of the necessary goals to be set in an onboarding plan are as follows:

  • Targeting on The Learning

Learning is one of the most important aspects of a working environment. The more one learns, the more one grows. So, setting up learning goals can help individuals garner sufficient knowledge to work in the company. The set goals should be gathering and learning about the tools, techniques, and other information related to the work. At the end of the onboarding, the employee should be knowledgeable on every aspect of the company culture.

  • Keeping Up With The Performance

As an onboarding manager, it is essential to track the performance of the new hires in the company. But before tracking the performance, you should make them aware of the goals set to monitor the employees' performance. The employees should be informed about the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), the quantitative goals. The goal is set based on numbers; it tracks the performance of the employees and their productivity in the company. 

  • Managing at The Personal Level

The new hires might be a little nervous as they step into a new company. So, the managers should get them out of their comfort zone and step out into the world. Personal goals set for the new hires can help them grow personally and professionally. The personal goals are to improvise the individuals' life in and out of the company. Setting up the personal goal is to keep them grounded within the environment and help them gain confidence in facing the world. 

  • Keeping Growth As The Priority

Growth is an essential factor that needs to be monitored in any organization. The progress in growth showcases the success the organization or an individual has reached. So, it is critical to set up growth goals. You can allow the new hires to set their own growth goals according to their convenience. The purpose of setting up these goals is for the new hires to come out of their shell with fresh ideas and make a place for themselves among the other employees. 

How to Create A 30-60-90 Day Plan?

The managers are to prepare well ahead of the designated day set for the onboarding process. As they set down to create the onboarding plan, they should consider certain aspects necessary for the procedure. Ensure to keep your strategic plan revolving around the new hires and how you want to make them feel at ease and know more about their abilities. So, the onboarding plan can be jotted down by some of the following aspects.

Asking and Answering Questions

As a manager, you need to think from the employees' point of view and try to create a comprehensive 90-day plan accordingly. So, you have to come up with possible queries that the new employees might have for you on the first day. You can think about work or personal-related questions and ensure that you have answers figured out for it. 

The managers can then come up with common questions about what they expect from the new employees. The questions can be jotted down, and you can decide how you want to proceed with the onboarding process with the answers to these questions. It could give you a broader view of proceeding with the onboarding process.

Setting Up with Smart Goals and Practical Expectations

This onboarding process aims not to give hectic tasks and set high expectations for the new hires. So, ensure to set 90-day smart goals for the employees, and these concrete goals should revolve around their work in their department. The purpose is to help them focus on their work and improve their career path. Moreover, the managers should set measurable goals that can guide the new hires in their career development.

Another critical factor in setting concrete goals would be to keep realistic and achievable expectations. You should ensure that through these goals set, and the new hires can understand the purpose of the work. Moreover, make sure that you do not have too much on their agenda on the first few days and take it slow and give a reasonable workload. The managers should keep in mind that setting the performance goals should not compromise the company mission.

Assigning A Mentor

It is necessary to know the thoughts and views of the new employees during their initial days at work. Moreover, it would be impossible for them to open up and share their thoughts. So, assigning a mentor with similar preferences can be even more beneficial, as they could better understand. A mentor can guide the new hires to help them out in times of need and navigate them through the working culture. So, conduct peer mentoring sessions by assigning them with a mentor. Moreover, ensure to constantly stay in touch with the peer mentor to know more about the new hires' work experience.

Meeting Up at Regular Intervals

As an onboarding manager, you have to check on them regularly. If you keep prying too much, it might become a setback. So, ensure to check in on their progress periodically but flexibly. Moreover, keep to the pace of the new hires and do not rush them into doing things as it can backfire. So, whenever possible, take time for them and catch up with their personal and professional life. 

How to Set Periodic Goals in The 30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan?

A strong onboarding process is an anchor that holds the new employees together. So, it is essential to consider this entire process with great care and initiate the right and relevant aspects. An onboarding process can be a great tool to communicate with the new employees. So, setting up the achievable goals for each of the 30 day periods is necessary. Moreover, these periodic goals can help strengthen the trust of the new hires in the company.

Setting Learning Goals for The First 30 Days

The entire first month should be about the organization and its working progress. The goal should be set to update the employees on the roles and responsibilities in the company. It should also highlight the employees' roles in the company. Moreover, at the initial stage, you should introduce the employees to the rest of the organization and keep them engaged with all the other employees and managers. It is necessary to make the new hires knowledgeable about every minute detail in the organization. Prepare a checklist on the required information and the essential things to be taught for the new employees' learning. Moreover, the company handbook should be introduced in this phase along with the company habits and culture. 

Making Goals for 30-60 Days

After the first 30 days, you should ensure that the new hires are comfortable with the organization's environment. Once they are settled down in the company, they can soon start taking up more minor responsibilities. So, set goals in such a way that you do not pose them with too many items on their plate and make them overwork. Ensure that they own up to responsibilities and start taking up initiatives in the company. Moreover, you can also set them to participate in several discussions, giving them even more confidence in themselves. The second phase of the 90-day plan provides feedback and ensures that they work upon it. This phase can help find the knowledge gaps and work on them. 

Onboarding Goals for The Phase Between 60-90 Days

In the final phase of your new employee 30 60 90 day onboarding plan, ensure to design the actionable goals accordingly to let the new hires work independently. Since the new employees have had 60 days' working experience with the organization, they can slowly take up this opportunity to work independently. So, ensure to set concrete performance goals that can help them move forward comfortably and take up initiatives on their own. Carefully monitor their progress and keep giving them feedback, both positive and negative, so that they can work on it accordingly. The final goal that should be set for the 90 days onboarding plan should be reviewing their performance.

What Tasks Should Be Initiated in The 30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan?

The employee onboarding process is crucial for the managers to retain the employees in the organization. Only an effective onboarding process can keep the employees grounded and comfortable to navigate through the organization and its environment. So, it relies on the managers to take up this onboarding process efficiently and effectively. There are specific tasks that can be performed in each onboarding phase. Most of these tasks are general to all organizations.

Emphasizing Necessary Activities on The First 30 Days

The first 30 days are the most crucial in the onboarding process, as it sets the tone about the organization and the working process. So, ensure to move along and assign work accordingly. In the first few days, keep the new hires engaged with the many creative activities and introduce them to the current employees through various icebreaker sessions to help them be comfortable. Moreover, it is essential to keep them updated about the company. You can start sharing with them about the history and the accomplishments of the organization and the executives and leaders. This opportunity can be used to introduce new employees to the leaders. The motive of the first month is to let the employees understand the organization, its work process, and the software or tools used in the organization. 

Following Up on The Work Progress on The 30-60 Days Range

Once the first phase has been completed, the employees would have become more confident with the work. So, at this point, you can put all their understanding into action by giving them roles and responsibilities in the organization. It might look heavy initially, but it would help on a more significant level. However, ensure not to be bombarded with too many responsibilities at a single time. There is room for making errors in this phase, so guide them through the work whenever necessary as it is a learning process. Moreover, have creative sessions to help them break out from the working loop. 

Reviewing The Work on The Final 60-90 Range

You can analyze their working progress in this final stage of the 30-60-90 days onboarding plan. You can check on their KPIs, milestones, and performance in this phase. In this reviewing phase, you can start giving them responsibilities to take up projects to handle. That might look alarming, but ensure that the guidance of the mentors and the managers are upon them. You can give them work independently depending on their progress in the first two phases. As a manager, you have to ensure that they attain their metrics and goals. 

Going Beyond The 90-Day Phase

The manager's duty in the onboarding process does not end within the 90 days plan. It would help if you were a guiding tool even when the 90 days commence, as dropping off suddenly can impact to a greater extent. So, ensure that you keep monitoring their performance and progress discreetly. Moreover, you can also conduct a stay interview to know their views about the organization and the working environment. Conducting the stay interview can be one of the best ways to improve your work on the 90 days onboarding plan. Ensure that you instill confidence to work independently once the 90 days are done. 

What Are The Tips to Make An Efficient 30-60-90 Day Plan?

The success of the onboarding process depends on how well you set an onboarding plan. The more efficient the plan is, the more successful the process would be; so, ensure that you come up with a solid plan that is creative and effective without compromising on the company performance. Some of the tips to create a successful onboarding plan are as follows.

Creating A Set of Reports

The managers can maintain reports to track the progress of the new employees. This would be an efficient way to know their positives and negatives and can help you in guiding them accordingly. You can formulate the report after noting down their performance from the executives, managers, and mentors to give you a clear picture of the progress. You can also share it with them during the monthly one-on-one to help them navigate through the working process. 

Building a Stronger Bond with The New Employees 

The managers should create a stronger relationship with the new hires. They should ensure to inbuild trust and confidence regarding the company and themselves. As a manager, you should know them better and understand their stance in the company. Moreover, you have to listen to every query, suggestion, or clarification without fail. After listening, you can address their clarification and ensure that you are approachable any time, even in the future.  

Reviewing and Meeting Them Regularly

The working progress needs to be monitored at all times so that you can know about their positives and negatives. So, monitor and review their performance by giving constructive feedback through one-on-one meetings. Moreover, meet them informally to learn more about them and connect with them. Your aim should involve them in work ardently and allow them to take up an active team role in the organization. 

Analyzing The Essence of Having The 30-60-90 Day Plan

The onboarding process holds the key to successful employee retention. The organization can have good communication and relationships with the new employees with an efficient onboarding process. The primary purpose of the 90-day onboarding process is to go beyond the usual and make the new hires comfortable in the working environment, which can be attained through a solid 30 60 90 onboarding plan that can help in engaging the employees and simultaneously improving productivity. So, the bar for the success of the onboarding process relies entirely on how well the onboarding plan is created.